Sunday, February 1, 2009

So, I own a Canon 40 D and have always shot with Canon, but I checked out a Nikon D700 yesterday and it was amazingggggg. It just makes me think even more that there is something seriously wrong with my camera. (The focusing on it is awful. Does anyone know how to fix that? At one point Joel did something to it so it back focused? and it worked fine for awhile, but not so much anymore. Please help =( )

Amanda and I trying to get our praying assignment done. Didn't work out so well. We went to about 5 different churches with no luck.

I didn't realize how many churches there are in Athens though. Maybe no one is aware and that's why we couldn't find anyone praying.

Oh well.
I probably could have found a decent shot if I wasn't such a pansy about approaching people.


James McAuley February 1, 2009 at 8:24 PM  

I don't know the answer to your camera problems, but I do know that if you tried the Canon equivalent to Nikon's D700, you would be quite impressed there as well. Don't go Nikon!

Anonymous February 3, 2009 at 8:31 PM  

Don't listen to Jim :) It's about the photographer, not the camera anyways. If the Nikon is easier for you to use, you can focus more on taking the image instead of what you're taking it with.